Pastor Green and his wife
Polly Jo of First United Methodist Church of Cary
Reverend Dr. H. William Green has faithfully served God, his community
and his FUMC Cary church since 1989 and retired on June 10th, 2018. Among his
many duties, he was the
Executive Pastor of Congregational Care, and the lead pastor of the
Celebration Service at FUMC. William’s desire in ministry is to see
persons experience God’s grace in a way that is personal, convincing,
and life transforming. William is a native of Durham, NC. He is a
graduate of Catawba College (AB, 1974), Duke Divinity School (M.Div.,
1977), and Candler School of Theology (D. Min., 1993). William and his
wife, Polly Jo Green, enjoy taking walks with their rescue dog, Gracie
Retirement Celebration Service for Reverend
June 10th, 2018
CFX - This is the Day (audio)
Green and Polly - Shalom Children's Message and Song (audio)
Rev Green - Shalom Song (video)
Walk by Faith (audio)
Rev. Green's
Final Message - "Giving the Benediction" (audio)
Rev. Green's Final Message - "Giving
the Benediction" (video)
Rev. Green and CFX - Forever Young (audio)
Rev. Green and CFX -
Forever Young and Benediction (video)
Green and CFX - Forever Young (youtube video)
Retirement Video featuring Reverend Green
and Polly Jo
Reverend Green Retirement Video
(wmv for windows computers)
Reverend Green Retirement
(mp4 for phones and tablets)
A Message from Reverend Carl Frazier of FUMC
In June 1989, George H. W. Bush had recently been inaugurated as
President of the United States. Jim Martin had just begun his second
term as governor and Koka Booth was mayor of Cary. Speaking of Cary, the
population had just reached the overwhelming number of 43,000. FUMC had
an average worship attendance of just over 500 people a week and the
Templeton Building had not even been conceived, much less built.
That month, Bishop C. P. Minnick appointed two new pastors to FUMC –
Doug Jessee as senior pastor and William Green as associate. It is a
little known fact that there was some discussion at the time as to
whether the church could actually afford two pastors. As William tells
the story, Barney Davidson and Troy Barrett as pastors emeritus went to
the Administrative Board and argued for the appointment of the
associate. When William arrived, and asked what his job was Barney told
him, “I’m not sure, but look busy.”
William has stayed busy with kingdom work for us over the past 29 years.
His leadership and ministry is evidenced all around us: in a vital men’s
ministry, in the Wisdom Sunday School class, in our Disciple Bible
Outreach Ministry at Women’s Prison, in the Celebration Service, in our
new systems of congregational care with trained and equipped lay
Congregational Care Ministers. Most especially, William’s ministry is
seen in lives touched and changed, care and consolation offered, and
joys shared.
Twenty-nine years in one place is a remarkable achievement for anyone,
especially an itinerant United Methodist minister. We have been blessed
at FUMC that God, four bishops, and eight district superintendents have
seen fit to leave William among us for this lengthy and fruitful season.
We are a stronger and more faithful church for his presence here. And we
will feel his absence from our staff team keenly.
Grace and peace.
The Messages, Prayers, Scripture, Witness and Music
of Reverend Green and Polly Jo Green
2013 to 2018
Rev Green - Don't Miss Pentecost
Rev Green - Starting Where People Are
Green - Truth to Power
Rev Green
- Belonging
Polly - Children's Message, Little Billy Goes to Class
Rev Green - Behaving
Rev Green,
Polly, Otis - Acts of Mercy and Compassion
Rev Green and
Polly - Fasting
Rev Green - The Lord's Supper as a Means of Grace
Rev Green
and Polly - Prayer and Scripture as a Means of Grace
Rev Green
and Polly - That Time You Didn't Know What to Say
Rev Green -
Rev Green - Retirement Announcement
Rev Green and Polly
- Holy
Rev Green and
Polly - One
Rev Green
and Polly - The Baptism of Jesus
Rev Green - Born of the Virgin Mary
Rev Green - Conceived by the Holy Spirit
Rev Green - He Has Made Me Glad
Rev Green - The Holiest Moment of My Ministry
Rev Green -
Rev Green - Your Balcony People
Rev Green - Generosity as Life
Rev Green and Polly - Generosity of God's People
Green and Polly - The New Thing
Rev Green - Journeyed by Stages
Rev Green - For Everything There is a Season
Rev Green - Christ is Our Wisdom
Rev Green - Wisdom from Above
Rev Green and Polly - For Everything There is a Season
Rev Green - Mercy Cares for the Lost
Rev Green - Mercy is Kind to Enemies
Rev Green - Mercy is Patient with Difficult People
Rev Green - Mercy Helps the Hurting
Rev Green - Mercy Forgives the Fallen
Green - Wind and Fire
Rev Green - Wait for the Gift
Rev Green - Have You Caught Anything?
Rev Green - are witnesses!
Rev Green - Peace Be With You!
Rev Green - What Were You Discussing?
Rev Green - Greetings...Don't Be Afraid!
Rev Green - Whom Are You Looking For?
Rev Green - A Servant of Sacrifice
Rev Green - A Servant Who Perseveres
Rev Green Children's Message - Apples and Oranges
Rev Green - A Servant of Mercy
Rev Green, Rev Frazier, Polly -The Present Age
Green and Rev Frazier - ...The Vision
Green - What, me worry?
Rev Green and Polly - Salt and Light
Rev Green and
Otis - Witness
Rev Green - Called
Rev Green - Invite
Rev Green - Good News to Hear; Good News to Tell
Rev Green - Happy Birthday Otis
Rev Green - Good News for the Margins
Rev Green - Good News for the Young
Rev Green - Good News for the Old
Rev Green and Rev Alvin Battle - Sharing Your Life Message
Rev Green - The Faith We Sing
Rev Green
and Polly - Stewards of Resources
Rev Green - Stewards of Mission
Rev Green - Stewards of Grace
Rev Green and Polly - The Longest Table in the World
Rev Green - Do
Rev Green - Pray
Rev Green - What is Your Name?
Rev Green - Where Is Your Brother?
Green - Where Are You?
Rev Green - A Methodist Gives Thanks to God
Rev Green - A Methodist Rejoices in God
Rev Green - A Methodist Loves God and Bolivia Mission Prayer
Rev Green - The Holy Spirit Engages Us in Suffering
Rev Green Sings Jesus Loves Me
Rev Green - The Holy Spirit Empowers Us to Witness
Rev Green - The Holy Spirit Prays for Us
Rev Green - The Gift God Gives
Rev Green - Jesus We Adore You
Rev Green - The Trinitarian Benediction
Green - Wind and Fire
Rev Green
- New Hope
Rev Green -
New Map
Frazier - New Family
Rev Green
- New Power
Rev Green
- New Eyes
Green - New Courage
Rev Green - The Hardest Person to Forgive
Rev Green and Polly - Billy Chews Gum
Rev Green - Good for the Soul
Green - I Forgive You
Rev Green - Decluttering
Our Spirits
Rev Green - Decluttering Our Calendars
Green - Jesus Also
Rev Green and Polly - Children's Lighting of Advent Candles
Rev Green -
Green - Son of God
Green - Risky Business
Rev Green - Extending the Table
Rev Green - Sinners at the Gospel Feast
Rev Green - Family Dinner Table
Rev Green - Prayer for Linden
Rev Green - Great Thanksgiving and Consecration
Rev Green - Beginning From Jerusalem
Rev Green - Not to be Served
Rev Green - As Was His Custom
Rev Green - Life Before Death
Rev Green - Life After Death
Rev Green - Jesus and the Sabbath
Rev Green - The Fourth Commandment
Rev Green - End of Faith As It's Beginning
Rev Green and Polly - This Little Light of Mine
Green - I Am the Light of the World
Witness by Polly - I Gave my Whole Heart
Rev Green - The Wheel of Spiritual Health
Rev Green - The Wheel of Relational Health
Rev Green - The Wheel of Emotional Health
Rev Green -
Health and Wholeness of Life
Rev Green -
As It Was in the Beginning
Rev Green - Arrive Early, Leave Late
Rev Green - The Friendly Beasts
Rev Green
- Magnificat Story
Rev Green
- Thank You
Rev Green - Thanks For Nothing
Rev Green - When the Saints Go Marchin' In
Rev Green - The Distant Triumph Song
Rev Green - No Matter What
Rev. Green - Putting the Fun in Dysfunctional
Rev. Green - Right Before Your Eyes
Rev. Green - The Lord Will Provide
Rev. Green and Polly - The Journey is Our Home
Rev. Green and Polly - The Dismissal with Blessing
Rev. Green and Polly - What Did You Get?
Laura and
Polly - Poems by Lee Viersen
Green, C.J. - Believe
Rev Green and Polly - The Gospel in Miniature
Rev William Green - Grab a Bite to Eat on the Road
Rev William Green- Hospital Next Exit
Rev William Green - Who Are You Sitting With?
Rev William Green - If Not Today...
Rev William Green -
God Never Wastes an Experience
Polly Jo Green - Children's Message Best Friends
Rev William Green - Rich in Friends
Polly Jo Green - Children's Message Seasons of Life
Rev William Green - In Every Season of Life
Rev William Green - The Blessing of Brokeness
William Green - Remembering What We Forgot
Jo Green - Mary's Moment
The Friendly Beasts (Sung by William and CFX)
Polly - Children's
Message - Joy
Rev William Green -
All I Want for Christmas: Joy
Polly - Children's
Message - Hope
Rev William Green -
All I Want for Christmas: Hope
Polly Children's
Message - John 3:16
Rev William Green -
John 3:16
Rev William Green - I Corinthians 13, The Greatest is Love
Polly - The Lost and Found Department
Rev William Green
- Luke Chapter 15
Rev William
Green - Genesis Chapter 1
Children's Message by William - What's Your Name?
Message "For Thine is the Kingdom"
Children's Message and Witness by Polly - Father's Day
Children's Message and Song by William
Children's Message by Polly
Story - William Wants a Baseball
Message by William - This is the Day
Children's Message by Polly - Sign Language
Children's Message by Madison and Polly
Witness by Polly -
The Cookbook
Message - Choose One Word
Message - Choose One Song
Song - Come Thou Fount of Every Blessing
William and Polly's Photo Gallery